All Care Bed

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Quick Overview

AllCare Specifications

Stop choosing between beds that expand in width and beds that lower to the ground. AllCare does it all, increasing use potential and ensuring every patient is safe and comfortable.

Deck Height (low position): 3.6"

Deck Height (high position): 25"

Sleeping Surface: 35", 39", 42" x 80"L (84"L optional)

Maximum Safe Working Load: 600 lbs

Optional Accessories: NightLight, Scale, Trapeze, 2 or 4 rails, Battery Backup, Safety (falls) Mat, 4” Bed Extender, Staff Controls

All-Around Support and Safety

AllCare ensures any and every patient is always "tucked in."

  • Wider sleep surface and to-the-floor lowering capabilities for more versatile uses
  • Additional comfort features for patient dignity and well-being
  • Enhancements designed to reduce falls, even among high-risk patients
  • One-touch access to patient and caregiver controls and customizable features
  • Single bed frame solution, streamlining staff training and support
  • Advanced positioning options available

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