Lift Chair Dual Motor PR925 Pride (Viva Metro)

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Quick Overview

PLR-925 Features:

400 lb. weight capacity

New! Ergonomically designed toggle remote

New! True infinite positioning enables the footrest to be raised above your heart, backrest and footrest to move independently from one another so that a variety of positions can be reached

The power headrest lifts your head, neck, and shoulders for maximum support

The upward lift offers convenient stand assist for getting in and out of the recliner

The power lumbar enables you to personalize you comfort

The footrest extension allows you to relax and stretch out completely

The backrest moves up and down independently to help you find the perfect position

Lithium battery backup ensures your recliner is operational when the power goes out

Standard fabrics: Saville Grey and Saville Brown

*Pride® FDA Class II Medical Devices are designed to aid individuals with mobility impairments

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This modern power lift recliner offers comfort in all the right places.

Contemporary design takes the Metro 2 Lift Chair Recliner, part of the VivaLift!® Collection, into the future of relaxation. Great modern design streamlines traditional style, leaving a lasting impression.

When it comes to your power lift recliner, you need your lift chair to assist in standing up or sitting down. That part is easy. Pride Mobility® already makes the best power lift chairs on the market.

Comfort and control come next for the modern lift recliner.

Next, you need it to be comfortable.

That’s why the Metro 2 Lift Chair by VivaLift! offers enhanced true-infinite position recline, which enables the backrest and footrest to move independently, so you can achieve a variety of positions.

The Metro 2 Recliner includes an ergonomically designed memory toggle remote with two programmable memory position buttons. Customizable comfort has never been so convenient!

Because it’s a VivaLift! Power Recliner, you know it’s going to give you incredible control over your lift chair’s positioning. With a power headrest, power lumbar and footrest extension, you can kick back, relax and stretch out fully while watching TV, reading, taking a nap or video chatting with your grandkids. Plus, super soft Saville Grey or Saville Brown fabric beckons you in to kick back and rest awhile.

Design and features come together in the modern power lift chair.

After we considered all those points: comfort, control and ultimate support, we asked our design engineers to put it all in a contemporary design. It must look sleek and inviting, we told them. And it needs to feel soft, supportive and functional.

They came back with the Metro 2, a modern take on the classic lift recliner chair. Interested in taking your reclining experience into the future? Contact your Pride Mobility dealer today.

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