Medline Hi Low Full Electric Hospital Bed

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Quick Overview

The Medline Hi-Low bed is ideal for those who are concerned about roll outs with the Low setting and provides a safe environment for the caregiver with Hi setting.

The Medline Full Electric bed offers a fully electric bed that will raise and lower the head and foot as well as overall height of bed all via the pendant remote control. Featuring Linak motors the Medline Line of beds will perform all of your adjustable tasks with a smooth quiet motor. Built with a lightweight frame the Medline bed is easy to maneuver.

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- Safety Hi-Low Bed: Makes sure your loved one is safe with this full electric bed that lowers to 9.5" off the floor. Ideal for preventing falls.

- Full Electric: Smooth, quiet DC electric motors, Medline Bed features premium LinakTM motors that provide smooth reliable operation.

- Easy Assembly: Color Coded step by step assembly makes it simple for anyone to put together.

- Strong and Durable bed has an extra steel plate welded to the middle of the frame, painted frames with enamel finish and clear coat for a chip and scratch-resistant finish, plastic wood grain end panels and heavy-duty remotes that resist breakage and moisture.

- Safety First: Recessed headspring supports and foot assembly reduce the chance of pinching and injuries.

- Standard Outlet: DC low-voltage, compact motor system is faster, quieter and lighter.

- Quiet motor system with waterproof enclosures.

- Fast Cycle Time for the lowering of the bed.

- Ergonomic Remote Control comes with durable strain relief, heavy-duty cord.

- Emergency crank provided allows all motors to be operated manually in the event of a power failure.

- Locking Casters so bed stays in place.

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