Breast Milk Storage Bag Evenflo 5 oz. Food Grade Material

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Quick Overview


  • Breast milk storage bags offer leak resistance that allows for preserving the nutritional milk of lactating mothers.
  • The bag has a dual-track zip that ensures a secure lock for keeping milk uncontaminated.
  • The milk storage bags have a gusseted hem bottom that allows for the bag to stand on its own without spilling any milk.
  • The bag under nutritional and feeding supplies has a spout, which makes it easy to use.
  • Once the bag is full, it can be stored easily in the refrigerator and freezer.
  • The breast milk bags are free of BPA, PVC, polycarbonate, and phthalates, ensuring that milk is safe for babies.
  • The bags are made using food-grade material, which is FDA-approved.

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