Eyewash Solution 4 oz Squeeze Bottle

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Quick Overview


  • Eyewash solution is a pocket size bottle that helps with effective eye care 
  • T4 oz eyewash solution under clinical laboratory helps to eliminate irritation like itching caused in eyes due to dust or pollen and other chemicals.  
  • Problems like burning of eyes are also addressed with these eyewash stations and accessories. 
  • The 4 oz eye wash solution acts as an emergency eye care solution that proves to be helpful in case of any minor accident.  
  • The eyewash squeeze bottle and its eyecup, as one of the effective eyewash stations and accessories help to create a fluid like stream that provides a direct help and care to the affected area. 

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  • Pocket-sized eyewash bottle is small enough to keep in a pocket or purse to provide immediate eye care in the home, shop, garage, garden - anywhere, anytime
  • 4 oz. (120 ml) oval polyethylene bottle has an eyecup with a tight fitting snap-on lid

More Information

Manufacturer NameMaddak
ApplicationEyewash Solution
Country of OriginIndia
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