Litmus Neutral Paper Fisherbrand™

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Quick Overview


  • The litmus paper test neutral is used in clinical laboratories to determine the nature of the solution.
  • When dipped in solutions, the litmus paper test neutral provides quick and accurate PH results. It turns red when dipped in an acidic solution and blue when dipped in a base.
  • It is a widely used test strip that helps in smooth execution of experiments in clinical laboratories.
  • The pH testing strips are ideal for assessing any solutions with neutral pH levels.
  • The litmus paper neutral is made from high-quality materials, which makes it durable.
  • The litmus paper test neutral comes in compact packaging for convenient storage.
  • They come in a pre-cut format, with each vial containing 100 pH strips.
  • The packaging of litmus paper neutral is in a splashproof vial, which protects the strips.

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  • Litmus neutralTurns red in acid, blue in base
  • 100 strips per vial
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