Manual Breast Pump Kit Lansinoh®

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Quick Overview

Lansinoh Manual Breast Pump, 2 ComfortFit flanges (25mm & 30.5mm)


  • The manual breast pump is a lightweight product that is equipped with an easy-to-use handle.
  • With the Lansinoh manual breast pump, you can easily switch between two pumping modes, expression, and stimulation, to aid in the letdown and minimize the pumping sessions.
  • The manual breast pump kit by feeding supplies includes fewer parts. These feeding supplies are easy to clean and assemble. They are BPA and BPS-free. 
  • These nutritionals and feeding supplies kit includes a wide-neck bottle that fits your range easily so you can use a single bottle to pump, store, and feed.
  • The manual breast pump kit includes two sized included with the flexible soft rims for ideal suction and fit.

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Our Manual Breast Pump is lightweight, quiet, and portable. Convenient for occasional usage at home, on the go, or as a backup in your bag. To help with let-down and to maximise your pumping sessions, you may effortlessly choose between two pumping modes, stimulation and expressiveness.

  • Hand fatigue can be reduced by using an easy-express handle design.
  • Fewer parts make it easier to clean and assemble, and it's free of BPA and BPS.
  • Wide-neck bottles are compatible with the Lansinoh breast pump, allowing you to utilise a single bottle to pump, store and feed.
  • 1 slow flow NaturalWave® nipple, which has been clinically demonstrated to prevent nipple confusion among breastfeeding babies.

More Information

ApplicationManual Breast Pump Kit
Brand Or SeriesLansinoh
Country of OriginChina
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