Oil Emulsion Impregnated Dressing 3M™ Adaptic™ 5 X 9 Inch Knitted Cellulose Acetate Petrolatum Emulsion Sterile

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Quick Overview


  • Oil emulsion dressing specially made for use under compression.  
  • The non-adhering dressing acts as the first layer on a wound, composed of knitted cellulose acetate with a woven mesh structure containing adaptic oil emulsion. This design allows for painless removal during dressing changes.  
  • As part of advanced wound care, these dressings help keep the wound environment moist, promoting cell movement, tissue repair, and minimizing scab formation, all essential for the healing process.  
  • This non-adherent dressing is straightforward to apply and comes in various forms like sheets, pads, or gauze, chosen based on the specific wound type and needs.  
  • These dressings are hypoallergenic, lessening the risk of allergic reactions in patients with sensitive skin, making wound care more effective. 

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  • Knitted cellulose acetate is impregnated with petrolatum emulsion to allow exudate to easily pass through to the absorbent dressing
  • Nonadherent to prevent dressing from sticking to wounds
  • Can be cut or trimmed without unraveling or shredding

More Information

ApplicationOil Emulsion Impregnated Dressing
Brand Or Series3M Adaptic
Country of OriginUnited Kingdom
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