Super Absorbent Dressing Zetuvit® Plus Silicone Border 6 X 10 Inch Silicone / Cellulose / Super Absorbent Polymer Rectangle Sterile

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Quick Overview


  • Super absorbent dressings under wound care help heal many cuts and injuries with oozing fluids.
  • Super absorbent wound dressings address the wound, whether fresh or have been around for a while.
  • The diffusion layer in super absorbent wound dressings helps divide the liquid from the wound evenly and gets absorbed quickly.
  • The dressing helps keep moisture away, which induces quicker wound healing.
  • The unique padding effect is acquired by combining the loose cellulose and super absorbent polymer (SAP).
  • The outer layer of the absorbent wound dressing is green in colour, and it repels water, making it a water-proof solution.
  • The wound care super absorbent dressing helps contour the body shape, giving a comfortable experience.
  • Each box contains ten such super-absorbent wound dressings. 

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  • Absorbent core traps fluid with a combination of loose cellulose and superabsorbent polymer (SAP)
  • Silicone coated contact layer and border allows for repeated lifting and repositioning while enabling atraumatic removal
  • 6 x 10 inches with a 3-1/2 by 7-1/2 inch pad

More Information

ApplicationSuper Absorbent Dressing
Brand Or SeriesZetuvit Plus Silicone Border
Country of OriginFrance
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